Remediation Company Checklist to Make Hiring Easy

Hiring a Remediation Company Checklist

Hiring a remediation company when you have mold, water, or fire damage can help ensure your property is restored back to its original condition and that your health is not at risk.

Your Checklist When Hiring a Mold, Water, or Fire Damage Remediation Company

When looking to hire a remediation company in your area, it is important to choose one that meets the below criteria. Finding a company that meets all the criteria will help make sure the job is done correctly.A remediation company checking for mold

  • A Remediation Company That Can Do It All

    Some remediation companies only address one type of damage. While you could hire a company that only addresses one type of damage, it is recommended that you find a company that can remediate multiple types.

Fire damage and water damage go hand in hand when you need to put out a fire. Water damage can often lead to mold growth. The different types of damage are usually connected and can cause other types of damage to occur. Finding a company that can address mold, fire, and water damage can help ensure that all damage is addressed, and that your property is safe once again.

  • A Remediation Company That Is A Licensed Contractor

    The structure of your home or office and the safety of the people in it are no laughing matter. A remediation company that is also a licensed residential and/or commercial construction company will help assure that its remediation efforts do not structurally damage your home. Additionally, should any reconstruction be necessary due to property damage, a construction-licensed remediation company can more effectively assist you with the necessary repairs.

Check with your state licensing board to see if your remediation company is licensed to perform construction in your home or business.

  • A Remediation Company That Is Honest

    In the case of mold, it is not uncommon for a remediation company to perform both the mold assessment and the mold remediation. Performing both the assessment and remediation, however, is actually against the law in Louisiana. A company could easily lie to a customer if it’s in charge of both processes and profit by telling the customer they need a service when they actually don’t.Hire a remediation company that is knowledgeable, certified, and honest

Find a remediation company that refers a third-party assessor and lab tester such as CLEAR Restoration.  A remediation company that refers a third-party tester is ensuring that you are getting the services you need, and that your remediation company is being honest about the state of your home or business.

Hiring the right mold, water, or fire damage remediation company for your home or business will be easy if you follow this checklist. Remember to find a company that can remediate all types of damage, one that is a trained and licensed contractor, and a company that separates the assessment and remediation of mold to ensure your home or business is restored properly.

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